Sheyla Hershey is the Brazilian-born Texas housewife with an obsession with having the worlds biggests tits. Sheyla’s latest round of
plastic surgery went horribly wrong and nearly killed her. I almost felt bad for the poor girl after it appeared that she came to her senses in
an interview she gave in early September:
“Hershey has finally come to terms with her illness and says that she is finally ready for all theimplants to be removed.
“I decided to go smaller — a lot smaller. I just want a normal size like a housewife has,” she said.
“I know it’s going to be a lot of pain on me because I love to have them, but I realize that my family comes first and I love my daughter and son and they come first.”
Then, lo and behold, just a few days later (literally!), Sheyla wrote the following on her website:
“Hello everyone just thought give you all a quickly update! I’m at home recovering from my surgery on Thursday. Everything went well and now rumors are saying that i lost my title, wrong, to me lose the tittle I have to stay a year without the implants. And I’m pretty much sure, that in couple month I will be sexy and beautiful with my breast back.”
How sick and pathetic is that?!