Jennifer Aniston – Is her face melting?

Jennifer Aniston changed her hair recently to the lightest shade of blonde she has ever had while in the public eye. Often, celebs will change their hair color, hair length, hair texture, etc to distract observers from changes they’ve made to their face. In this case, I believe Jennifer had facial fillers, botox, and some other possible surgical hanky panky.
Jennifer’s latest incarnation is quite a departure from her usual look, because a youthful sort of facial plumpness has been added to her face to make her look softer. Aniston is a fitness fanatic and has minimal body fat which had left her face with some harsh angles a few years ago (see 2003 photo), but now, those have been smoothed out, her face plumped up, and likely injected with botox (it causes the skin to look plastic and shiny). Do I think she’s had everything on her face yanked up via facelift too? Yup.

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